Isela & Michael

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About Us

Our Story

Almost 20 years ago, Isela and Michael were first introduced to each other by our mutual friend, Natarsha, soon after we both moved to New York City. From the start, Michael loved Isela’s big, beautiful smile, her kindness, and her honesty. For her part, Isela liked Michael’s sense of humor, deep intellect, and insatiable curiosity.

Our Home

photo of adoptive family's home We own our home in Brooklyn, New York, which we enjoy for its diversity and excitement. We live in a lovely and safe neighborhood and our home is bright with a garden, where Michael likes to grow plants and veggies.


adoptive family photo - Isela Isela is a proud daughter of Mexican immigrants. She grew up speaking Spanish at home and learned English in Kindergarten. She’s always loved learning and school, and was the first in her family to graduate from college and then onwards to a master’s degree.


adoptive family photo - Michael Michael was born in Australia to a Danish mother and Australian father. He grew up in different places, including in Europe, Asia, Australia, and the U.S, and has traveled widely throughout his life. A natural extrovert, Michael loves being surrounded by friends and family, and likes to make people laugh.

Thank You for Visiting Our Adoption Profile

We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child.

We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Isela & Michael

959-201-1337 (toll-free)

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Isela & Michael