Matt & Traci

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Last Activity: 13 hours ago
Matt & Traci

Our greatest desire in life is to be parents. Our hearts overflow with love to give a child - please let us show you.

We may not fully understand the complexity of your situation or the emotions that come with it, but we’d like to think that we share the same hope - a safe, loving home for your child where they will be nourished and cared for.

There is nothing in this world that we want more than a child to love. We promise you that if you decide to trust us with your child, they will be cherished. From that point on, everything we do, we will do with their best interests at the forefront of our heart and mind.

We have a strong support system not only in our immediate families but in our church family as well. We belong to a wonderful church that is led by one of the nicest and most genuine people we know. He helps us grow in our faith and leads by example in showing kindness and concern to everyone who he encounters, both inside and outside of church. The staff follows in his footsteps and fosters a wonderful and safe environment for children to learn and grow as well. They will play an important role reinforcing in our child the same values we aim to raise them with, compassion, kindness, forgiveness and love.

We hope we will be able to demonstrate this to you through the stories and pictures in this profile. If the time comes where you’d like to connect, please know we have nothing but empathy and love for you. We will do our best to help you feel at ease and heard throughout the entire adoption process.

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Who We Are

Although we grew up about five minutes away from each other, we didn’t meet until we were both in college. Exactly how we met depends on who you ask. I met Matt in the fall of 2009 through a mutual friend and we got on well right away. I quickly came to learn that Matt actually knew me as the “Wendy’s drive-thru girl” - turns out he was a regular at my high school job but was too shy to introduce himself. Now when we are asked how we met, we like to joke that “Matt used to eat a lot of Wendy’s.” We dated for a few years then got engaged on Easter Day 2013, married summer of 2014.

Matt and I will be married ten years this June. We’ve learned and grown a lot, both as individuals and as a couple, over our years together. We’ve seen what it means to be in a committed relationship - the importance of communication, patience, empathy and forgiveness. We believe these are all values that will better equip us to work through the challenges that come with raising a child and we hope to impart these values in them.

Adoption Diary

Pup play date

We had our friends, Chris and Kim, over today with their labs, Hank & George, to meet and play with our Pearly girl. They became friends pretty quickly and had a ton of fun running around the yard together while we bbq’d and celebrated our friends recent pregnancy announcement!

Chris has been Matt’s best friend since little leauge and is happy for his friend to start this next step in life. We hope we can join them soon ourselves and maybe have the privilege of watching our human children play together like our fur babies did today.

Ready for Spring

We’re so excited for the nice weather and the opportunity to enjoy some outdoor activities in the coming weeks. Pearl is excited for more field training, pup cups and walks!  We wish you a happy Spring time as well and hope it brings good things your way

Thank You for Visiting Our Adoption Profile

We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child.

We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Matt & Traci

866-516-8696 (toll-free)

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Matt & Traci