January 28, 2021

Putting Your Adoption Profile In The Best Position To Succeed

In the sports world, you’ll often hear a coach talking about placing his or her players in the best position to succeed. At Adoptimist, we try and do exactly same thing. But for all the targeted web advertising and social media outreach we perform, none of it guarantees your success. It still takes dedicated families with engaging profiles to make adoption matches and connections. So much of your adoption success will be based on factors that are out of your hands, like luck, chance, and even a birthmother’s personal preferences. You need to do everything... Read more…

August 24, 2020

Internet Safety Tips for Adopting Families

Adopting a baby can come with a lot of challenges, including networking and marketing your family to reach potential birth mothers. At Adoptimist, we are experts in marketing families and hopeful adoptive parent profiles. We know from experience that promoting a family on the internet comes with a unique set of challenges, including keeping your private information safe and protected, while at the same time, getting your adoption profile seen by many people as possible. Adoption scammers put hopeful... Read more…

August 17, 2020

10 Tips for Using Social Media for Your Adoption

Using social media can be a great outlet to help in your adoption search. Creating a Facebook Page or Instagram profile can give a glimpse into your family, and show an expectant mother what your family is all about. Authentic human connections are the basis of social media. It makes networking easier, faster, and expands your reach 10x over.  While it can be a useful tool, many adoptive... Read more…

April 4, 2019

Best Ways to Advertise as an Adoptive Family

Have you ever considered what an amazing time it is to be a hopeful adoptive parent? There are unprecedented resources and opportunities available to help you meet all your family goals—tools that even a decade ago were not available to adoptive parents. But with all these new opportunities and technologies come a lot of decision making. Are you going all in on Instagram based on the recent hype? Or are you sticking with a more traditional presence on a platform like Facebook? Maybe you are thinking outside the box and running ads in newspapers, or perhaps... Read more…

September 8, 2017

Adoption Outreach: What’s Working (& Not Working) For Today’s Adoptive Parents

It’s a great time to be pursuing adoption. There are more ways than ever to get connected with someone and create the family of your dreams. But your time and energy aren’t limitless. And neither are your financial resources. So you’ll want to make smart, careful decisions and consider all your options during every step of your adoption journey. You’ll need to be creative and open-minded at times, stubborn and tenacious at others. Your adoption success will require effort... Read more…

December 12, 2016

Using Facebook In Your Adoption Search

With over 1.5 billion active users worldwide, Facebook may be one of the best ways to expand your adoption outreach. In this article, we will provide guidance on how to effectively use Facebook to connect with expectant parents considering adoption. Let’s start by taking a look at what other hopeful adoptive families are doing on Facebook. You can search within Facebook using terms such as “hopeful adoptive parents”, “hoping to adopt”, “looking to adopt”, etc. As you will see, there are many adoptive family pages out there. Some with under 100... Read more…

October 24, 2016

Adoption Videos

Why You Need An Adoption Profile Video There are many reasons not to create an adoption video: You don’t like the way you look on camera, your voice sounds funny, you are an extremely private family, and so on. And yet, in spite of all that, there are still several very good reasons why you should consider making one. Here are some of the best reasons you should consider adding an adoption profile video to your outreach:  • People like to watch videos. Videos are quick and easy to watch and (usually) more interesting than reading a lot of text.... Read more…

September 13, 2016

Adoptive Parent Networking, Marketing, And Outreach: The Internet & Adoption

Adoption Advertising and Marketing For Adoptive Parents The internet has forever changed private adoption in the United States. With so many options available to adoptive parents, families are choosing to market themselves and expand their outreach via social media, custom websites, blogging platforms, and video sites like Youtube. Online advertising and connect sites are also growing in popularity each year. But having more options... Read more…

About This Adoption Blog

The Adoptimist blog features advice, tips, and inspiration for adoptive parents who are actively pursuing adoption connections online.

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