Our baby, adopted through Adoptimist.
“Matt and I decided to go with Adoptimist because of the simplicity of creating a profile. It was easy to post & get informative profile statistics. And we weren't locked into a contract!”
Matt & Rachel, Connected on Adoptimist
Cassie and Brad and baby, connected by Adoptimist
“We were excited to discover how user-friendly Adoptimist was. We quickly realized that the more we posted, the more hits we received, leading eventually to birthmother emails and phone calls.”
Cassie & Brad, Connected on Adoptimist
Jared and Katie with adopted child met thru Adoptimist
“The site is so easy to use & we could communicate directly with expectant parents! When we started trying to adopt again, there wasn’t a question in our minds that we would be using Adoptimist!”
Jared & Katie, Connected on Adoptimist

Traffic Metrics & Statistics

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Traffic Metrics & Statistics

The following statistics are averages only, based on monthly data obtained from Google Analytics. Each and every family will have a unique experience on Adoptimist, depending in part upon the plan chosen, the amount of profile updating, and the overall quality and depth of the profile.

• Premium families receive 50% more visitors than Featured families.

• Users view a minimum of 80 - 90 Premium profile pages before viewing Featured family profiles.

• Premium families are discovered and viewed by visitors within 10 minutes of entering the site. Premiums are seen 30% faster than Featured families.  

• Featured families are discovered and viewed by visitors after 30 minutes on the site.

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