Kim & Justin

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About Us

photo of adoptive family's story

Our Story

Our family is large and overflowing with love. We support each other and grow together. We have been married for 13 years. We met in grade school, dated through highschool and college, and got married shortly after graduating. We have a deep love, respect, and silliness for each other and our children. Together we have 4 biological children and 1 adopted child (through foster care), 3 small dogs, 2 indoor cats, 2 fish tanks, lots of barn cats, chickens, and bees.

We have been foster parents off and on for over 5 years (and are currently licensed) and enjoy welcoming children into our home and working with birth mothers and families. Our parenting philosophy is love, consistency, and natural consequences. We have extensive experience parenting children (our own and foster children) with a variety of physical, mental, and emotional needs.

Kim is an engineering manager for a tech company and works from home full time. She loves building engineers' careers and working with intelligent people across the globe. Justin has been a stay-at-home dad for 13 years. He loves playing with children, goofing-off, and being there for each of our children. We also live with Kim’s retired father, John. Having 3 adults at home at all times gives our children the stability and freedom to enjoy their home and explore the world.

We are open to adopting a child of any gender, race, or ethnicity. We are also open to adopting a child with special needs and/or drug and alcohol exposure. We are open to all levels of communication including letters, photos, and visits. We are open to adopting from any state in the US.

We love and support our children with their individual needs and culture. We both love parenting and our children are ready to welcome a new sibling.

Our Home

photo of adoptive family's home We live in Kim’s childhood home on 30 acres of land - the house is almost 1 mile from any road traffic. Our house has 5 bedrooms upstairs, as well as 2 bedrooms in the basement. John lives in a mother-in-law suite with his own kitchen and 2 bedrooms. We love spending time outside on the porch swing, playset, hiking in the fields and woods, picking wild blackberries, and biking, rollerblading, and using chalk on the giant concrete driveway pad.

Our family is very close and loves being together. We spend a lot of time at home - playing board games and video games together. All of our family is close to us, including Kim’s brother, Justin’s 3 brothers, Justin’s parents (just 5 minutes away), and most of John’s 15 siblings and Kim’s 50+ cousins. Family and friends are always nearby to help around the house, with the kids, and to be together. We frequently host holidays and board game nights with our family and friends.


adoptive family photo - Kim Kim is loving, diligent, creative, and passionate. She does everything in her power to support her family's needs whatever they may be. She works very hard at her job, but has ensured that her work is entirely from home so that she can spend extra time with her kids. Kim is the organizer of the family. She is a master of scheduling all appointments, obligations, parties, and a million other things a family needs to do. Kim has a seemingly endless source of patience with which she deals with her kids and husband. She is fully committed to the needs of whomever she is interacting with and this is part of what has made her a wonderful mother.


adoptive family photo - Justin Justin is a goofy, silly, and loving parent. He treats each child as an individual and loves interacting one-on-one time with each of them. Justin spends time in cooking, cleaning, and running the kids to and from activities each day. He enjoys sharing his hobbies with our children, friends, and family; he is often playing games with others (board games, video games, and in person). Justin is the perfect partner and parent, giving himself fully to each person he interacts with.

Thank You for Visiting Our Adoption Profile

We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child.

We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Kim & Justin

614-769-7639 (toll-free)

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Kim & Justin