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Hello, Beautiful!!

My name is Bernadette and I am ecstatic to be on this adoption journey. There has never been any shortage of love, support, encouragement, or laughter in my life. My whole family (and friends who have become family) are bursting at the seams to welcome the newest member to our crew. I am so grateful you are here! I’ve given a lot of thought to how I can describe why I am drawn to adoption, and the honest truth is, I have a hard time putting it into words. It’s a feeling, but it is also so much more than that. It is a calling. I feel in my heart that it is what I am meant to do. What I find so beautiful about adoption is that it is entirely built on love. Your love and my love for this precious child.

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Who I Am

Creating memories with my family and friends is the most important thing to me and my favorite way to do that is by trying all sorts of different experiences together. My dining room table is always full of loved ones and the laughter can be heard from across the street. From game nights to Tai Chi to watching movies on my outdoor projector, we do it all. It is important to me to have a home where everyone always feels welcomed, valued, and loved. I claimed hosting duty many years ago and my door is always open. I never want anyone to ever feel alone.

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Adoption Diary

Fourth Wing

I am officially in my dragon era. It is Year of the Dragon and I devoured Rebecca Yarro’s Fourth Wing and Iron Flame. I have a new obsession. These books were unbelievable and I am so grateful I listened to all the hype and gave them a try. All I want to do now is bond to a dragon and live out my rider fantasy. After all, in my opinion, a dragon is just a dinosaur with wings. The closest thing I was able to do was crochet my very own dragon. I give Fourth Wing and Iron Flame a billion stars. They have very quickly risen toward the top of my all-time favorite books. As soon as I finished reading, I immediately bought a copy for my sister and I am not so patiently waiting for her to read them so we can discuss. I can’t believe I need to wait for Onyx Storm. Why?!?!?! I need to know what happens next. This is why I usually try to wait for an entire series to release before I start it. I can’t wait to share my love of reading with a child and how much fun it is to escape to fantastical worlds.

Tulip Farm

So lucky to have spent an amazing day with Cynthia, the twins, and my sister at the tulip farm. It was a little chillier than we anticipated, but that may have been even better because we got to see the twins in their bear outfits. They are the absolute cutest and are just waiting to have a little buddy to join them on their adventures. I am looking forward to the day we are pushing two strollers instead of just the one. I want to be just like the mama goat snuggling her baby. I am so fortunate to be supported by such an incredible tribe and Cynthia and her entire family are a big part of that tribe.

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