Jessica & Rob

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Jessica & Rob

Dear Brave Mama, we can't wait to meet you.

Weekends at the park on the swings. Mommy and me classes. Reading together at library story time. Big family dinners and barbeques. Swimming in Grammy's pool. Face painting at the town carnival. These are just some of the activities we will experience together with a child, and we hope you choose us.

We're Jessica and Rob. The first time we met, Rob didn't even know we were being set up, but when we met again a few months later, our life together began.

We have always wanted children and while we struggled to have a child naturally, this challenge has not diminished our desire to start a family. We have so much love to give and want to make our world complete by bringing a child into our hearts and the wonderful life we have created.

We appreciate the journey you have gone through and value the gift you will be giving us by picking us as your adoptive parents.

Spend some time with us here.

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Who We Are

We first met in 2010 at a birthday party, where our friends plotted to bring us together believing we would make a great match. Things don't always happen according to plan, and although we did meet that day, it was not until several months later that we met again and spoke for hours before going on our first date. We do believe that timing is everything.

Rob balances me. He reminds me that the unknown can be a fabulous adventure and if something doesn’t go as expected, it just means something better is about to happen.

Jessica is always there for me. In the last 12 years together she has opened my eyes to new experiences and adventures. Life has many wonderful moments but is also filled with unexpected challenges and difficulties that we navigate through together.

Adoption Diary


Ah! Maine! Loving this lobster - with his or her little tush in the air.

A Day at the Playground

Maybe someday we’ll teach our niece and nephew that you are supposed to go DOWN the slide. But for now, we’ll let them have fun racing each other up it.

Thank You for Visiting Our Adoption Profile

We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child.

We truly appreciate your kindness and strength and look forward to hearing from you.


Jessica & Rob

973-602-7874 (toll-free)

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Jessica & Rob